Channel: Challenge coins – Iron Firemen
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Booth Babes, FDIC another 9/11 Memorial Stair Climb and more!


We are back from FDIC 2012. We actually drove home through the night (last night) because  I’m sick… and NO … not like “hung over” sick…. “sick” sick.  Despite having to cut the trip short, we had a BLAST!

Rhett ( The Fire Critic ) and I try to “step it up” a little at each event we attend and FDIC 2012 was a HUGE SUCCESS for the Fire Critic and Ironfiremen.com.

Our main reason for the trip was to help Zach Green and the  MN8-FoxFire  Team in booth #3026. It was an easy job because the product is so good that it sells itself.

Rumor is that this year set a record for attendance and sales at FDIC and I would bet that we were one of the top 5 busiest booths. Several of the staff members from FDIC even came by and asked me what all the “hype” was about around our booth. As soon as I got them in the tent … they understood.

Jacob and Troy from the TV show  ”Swamp People” were in the Ferrara Fire Truck booth ( I don’t understand the connection ) but it was the MN8-FoxFire booth that was SWAMPED.
I guess Rhett and I were kinda like the FoxFire “booth babes”. I say that for several reasons. One of the reasons is because we were wearing kilts. Not dresses … kilts (it’s defined by what you ARE or are NOT  wearing under em …lol). Not just any kilt either. We were wearing our custom kilts from ALT KILT.

ALT KILT on Face Book HERE

They wear a HUGE SUCCESS and the “hype” began as soon as we arrived.

We got into town on Wednesday evening and headed straight to the Fire Rescue 1 Meet Up and the FOOLS Bash.

Everywhere we turned, we were meeting and greeting Brothers, Sisters, friends and followers (new and old alike). I have to be honest with you … we were not expecting that.

Now don’t get me wrong … we LOVED it! Everyone there wanted to meet, talk to and get a picture with us. We didn’t make it past 20 foot into the gates.

In the past, whenever folks would come up to us and say  ” I love your site and read it every day”, we would always reply “so you’re the one” …LOL. Well, it was very apparent at FDIC that we now have at least a few more than “one” loyal reader / follower and if we didn’t get the chance to tell ya at FDIC, THANKS!

We  passed out every Challenge Coin, patch and Brotherhood Chip we had with us and needed a few hundred more! If you missed us at FDIC or wasn’t there to get yours, don’t panic…. you can still get one. For our Challenge Coin, patch and custom badges ….

Visit NM Coin Here


 Also visit The Chip Site to find where our Brotherhood Chips were made 

It was a fun night! The next morning, we opened the booth and was again over run. Folks were showing up to meet and visit with us and to get a personal demo of the MN8 FoxFire Products. We knew then that this would be a show like no other that we have attended.

We apologize to any of you that we didn’t get to speak to personally and wish we could have spent more time with those  who we did. Several times, there were folks waiting for a picture while we were giving product demos etc.

We made every effort to step aside real quickly and hope we got to all of you. We put a bunch of pictures up on our Face Book pages. Be sure to take a look at em and tag yourself if we didn’t already. Also, if you have one of or with us that we don’t … please tag us as well.

Find, Like and Follow us on Face Book HERE

So, after the floor closed for day 1, we have several dinners to attend. Our first was with Fire Rescue Magazine / Firefighter Nation  where we actually received some pretty cool recognition. If you’re not a subscriber of Fire Rescue Magazine or a member of Firefighter Nation … YOU SHOULD BE  (hit that link above). Here’s what they had to say about the award we received …

Fire Service writers, bloggers receive awards. 

Afterwards, we had a team dinner with the MN8-FoxFire Team. Zach gave us a special gift of a framed quote from Ralph Waldo Emerson…

“Do not go where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail”  

Very fitting for MN8-FoxFire, The Fire Critic and Ironfiremen.com. I can’t wait to see where we end up on this journey.

That said .. I have to stop this post here. As I mentioned above, I’m sick and attempting to write this post from bed. I’ll do my best to follow up with a “Part 2″ as soon as possible. Sorry to make ya wait … thanks for following and be sure to hit that Face Book link above for more great pictures from FDIC.

You can also read a “FDIC Wrap up Part 1” post from Rhett 

Until I get back, Stay SAFE and in House!

Captain Wines

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